Showing posts with label Tutorials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tutorials. Show all posts

Monday, 21 October 2013

Forward Gmail emails to facebook inbox


Are you too lazy to check your Gmail for new emails? But you don't want to miss any important email.
What if you will get all your Gmail emails in your facebook inbox?

In this tutorial I'll tell you how to forward Gmail emails to your facebook inbox.

[Also read:Copy "copy protected" files]


Step 1

Goto and log in to your account.

Step 2

Go to settings tab and then go to POP/IMAP.

forward gmail to facebook

Now in Add a forwarding address box add your facebook email address.

NOTE: Your facebook email is same as your facebook

Step 3

Now go to and login into your account and go to messages. Check in other messages in your inbox for confirmation message. Now click on the confirmation link to confirm receiving forwarded emails into your facebook inbox.

[Also read:Add custom background to firefox new tab]

Sunday, 20 October 2013

How to display Chitika ads on blogger


Chitika is a search targeted advertisemet network which can help you to earn money by displaying their ads in your blog/website.


1. Register a Publisher account on Chitika, click here to Register.
2. In the application form, fill it with your information.
3. After submitting the application form, a message saying "Your application has been submitted for review" will appear.
4. Now go to your email and click the VERIFICATION LINK. Input your valid address and the Description of your blog. After that click the SUBMIT button.
5. Wait about a day to know whether Chitika approved or disapproved your blog Publisher application. Assuming that your blog is APPROVED. Log in on your Chitika publisher account.
6. When you are in the CODE GENERATOR, you can customize your CHITIKA AD there. You can also change the AD SIZE in FORMAT. When you are done customizing your ad, click the GET CODE button.
7. Now COPY your Chitika Ad Code and goto blogger and sign in and then Go to LAYOUT > ADD A GADGET > HTML/JavaScript and paste the Ad Code there.

Also read:HTML Mini Crash Course

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Add custom background to firefox New Tab


Download this tutorial in pdf format If you are a Mozilla Firefox user then you might be aware of New Tab page in Firefox which shows your recently visited web pages as 3x3 grid of tiles. But the Backgroud of this page is White. You can change the background of New Tab Page to whatever image you want. You can also change the Background of Firefox Homepage (about:home).
Here is the Screen shot of New Tab Page after applying Custom Background to New Tab Page:

Getting Started

To Add custom Background to Firefox New Tab and Homepage we will require a firefox addon called Stylish.

Okay, Now that you've downloaded Stylish, let's add custom background to firefox New Tab page

Step 1

Open firefox and go to tools--> Add-Ons tab (or Press Ctrl+Shift+A).

Step 2

Now you can see in the left pane, "User Styles", Click on "User Styles" tab.

Step 3

In the Right pane there is a button "Write New Style", click on it. Name it whatever you want and in the code window paste the following codes:
/*wallpaper for the about:newtab*/ @-moz-document url("about:newtab"){#newtab-scrollbox{background:url("file:///c:/panda.jpg") no-repeat !important; background-size:100% !important;} }

Replace "file:///c:/panda.jpg" with the location of the image you want to use.
Save it! Done!

You can also change the HomePage (about:home) background too. To change Home Page background add the following codes:
/*wallpaper for the about:newtab and about:home*/ @-moz-document url("about:newtab"), url("about:home") {/*for the new tab page*/ #newtab-scrollbox {background : url("file:///c:/panda.jpg") no-repeat !important; background-size : 100% !important; } /*for homepage*/ body{background: url("file:///c:/panda.jpg") no-repeat !important; background-size :100% !important;} #launcher {background-color : rgba(0,0,0,0.8) !important;}}

Home Page screen shot:

Now Save it! Done!

Check this out: tutorials

Activate God Mode in Windows 7


What is God Mode?
If you haven't heard of God Mode then God Mode is a feature in Windows 7 which brings together a long list of customization settings allowing you to change all your settings from one place.
Here's a screen shot of how God Mode looks:


Let's Do it

Step 1: Create a folder in your computer.
Step 2: Name your New Folder to this:

Step 3: Now your folder should look like this:
Now you have succesfully activated the God Mode.
Open the GodMode folder and you can see a huge list of controls!!!

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Friday, 11 October 2013

How to copy Copy Protected files

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Ever bought a CD of your favourite music and want copy it to your cell phone to listen the music. But when you try to copy it from your computer it says "Can't Copy, Copy Protected !!" or Similar. Now you're doomed!!. But don't worry, every problem has atleast one solution for sure!
To Copy, Copy Protected files, we're going to use a program, called IsoBuster. It is a Data recovery Program
You can download IsoBuster here.

Let's get Started

Step 1

First of all You have to Download and Install IsoBuster.

Step 2

Start IsoBuster and put your CD/DVD into your CD/DVD Drive.

Step 3

Now, In the IsoBuster Window, click on Session 1 on the right hand side and select all of the tracks.

Step 4

Right click on the selected tracks and click Extract Objects. Now browse to the Folder, where you want to Extract the Objects.
Now you can copy those files to your phone or any music player!
Note: Altering Copy Protected Files is illegal. So be Careful!!! and Don't get caught!
I'm not responsible for your actions!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

HTML Mini Course

Check this: How to write upside down in facebook and twitter


HTML, or Hyper Text Markup Language, is used to create a Web site. HTML tells your Web browser what text to display, what images will appear, and what color of texts will appear in the Web Page. HTML pages are created using a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++. (I would recommend you to go with Notepad ++)
After completing this mini crash course you will be able to create your very first web page!
Good luck!


HTML is very easy to learn. Below are the Basics of HTML is explained, keep reading.
HTML is composed of two main parts: the head and the body. You must begin every HTML document with the tag <html> and end every document with </html> .
The basic structure for an HTML file is as follows:
<html> -> Open HTML
<head> -> Open HEAD
</head> -> End HEAD
<body> -> Open BODY
</body> -> End BODY
</html> -> End HTML

HEAD Section

The HEAD section of an HTML document allows you to add title to Web Page and include other pieces of data, such as META tags and scripts.
To add title to your Web Page add the following line in head section:
<title>This is the Title of this page</title>

BODY Section

The BODY section of an HTML document is where all the action occurs (means all the contents of the page are placed here). You can add text, pictures, scripts and also embed videos in body section.

Putting texts in our Web Page

To put texts in the Web Page, we can simply write the text in between the <body> and </body> tags. For example:
<title>Title Goes Here</title>
This is Sample Text. This tutorial is written by HellBoundGeeks

To Change Text Size or Color we use FONT tag. To change the text size we put the "size" parameter in FONT tag:
<font size="5">This is Sample text with size 5</font>

Now To Change text color we use "color" parameter in the FONT tag.
<font size="5" color="blue">This is Sample text with size 5 and color Blue</font>

Output of this code will look like:
This is Sample text with size 5 and color Blue

Displaying Images in Web Page

To display images in our Web Pages we will use the IMG tag. Here is the sample code:
<img src="Image file name goes here">

Here "img" stands for "image" and "src" stands for "source".

Linking to other Pages

It is most important part of the Internet and Web Pages, without links we can not imagine how the Internet would look like.
So, how to create a link? To link to other pages or to other Websites we use A tag. Here is the sample code:
<a href="this is where you place the URL or HTML file name"> this is what will appear in the browser window</a>

An example of linking to other page will look like this:
Click here to go to page 4

Putting it all together

Let's review what we've learned.
<font color="blue" size="5">Welcome to HellBoundGeeks</font>
<img src="hell.jpg">
<a href="">Click here to go to HBG home page.</a>

Output of the above code will look like:

Welcome to HellBoundGeeks

Click here to go to HBG home page.

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See you soon! You might also like: HOW to change windows ICONS

Saturday, 5 October 2013

CMD tricks Collection

Awesome CMD tricks

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For most people command prompt seems boring. But with these command prompt tricks/codes it won't seem that boring as before.
Here is the list of cmd commands:


With this command you can change the current Title of the command prompt window. For exmaple :
title hellboundgeeks

will change the title of the cmd window to "hellboundgeeks".


Sets the default console foreground and background colors. For example:
color [attribute]

Color attributes are specified by TWO hex digits -- the first corresponds to the background; the second the foreground. Each digit can be any of the following values:
0 = Black 8 = Gray
1 = Blue 9 = Light Blue
2 = Green A = Light Green
3 = Aqua B = Light Aqua
4 = Red C = Light Red
5 = Purple D = Light Purple
6 = Yellow E = Light Yellow
7 = White F = Bright White

produces light green on black background.

Watch Star Wars in ASCII

You can watch "Star Wars Episode IV" in command prompt. But it would be of completely in ASCII texts. To watch Star Wars Episode IV, in cmd type the following:

Note: In Windows 7, by default, you can not watch "Star Wars" because telnet is not activated. You have to activate telnet in order to watch "Star Wars".


Tree command Graphically displays the folder structure of a drive or path.
TREE [drive:][path] [/F] [/A]

/F Display the names of the files in each folder.
/A Use ASCII instead of extended characters.
tree c:\

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If you have any questions then put them on comments section!

You might also like:How to change Splash Screen of Photoshop

Friday, 4 October 2013

How to Change Drive Icon in Windows

How to Change Drive Icon

You might also like: How to change your drive letter

drive icon

Are you bored with your predefined drive icons? If yes then this tutorial will help you Change the Drive Icon in Windows.


1.Notepad or any text editor
2.Icon file


Open Notepad and type the following text

Note: Here myicon.ico is the name of my icon file, you can change this name as your icon file's name.

Now save the file as autorun.inf (Go to file menu--> Save As..--> then select All files in save as type drop down menu.)


Now copy the autorun.inf file and icon file both in the drive, you want to change the Icon.


Now It's Done! Just Restart your Computer and See the Changes!
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Monday, 30 September 2013

How to Change Drive Letter

How to change Drive letter in Windows

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Extend Windows 7 trial period
Do you want to change you predefined drive letter in Windows?
If you're interested in changing the drive letter then read on this tutorial.
There are two ways you can change the Drive letter in windows computers.

1. By Command Prompt (command line or text mode).
2. By GUI mode (from Disk management utility)

By Command line

Step 1
Press win+R to bring up Run command. In the Run command type
to bring diskpart.exe window (command line).
Step 2
Now in the Diskpart command line type
list volume
This will list all the volumes followed by volume number (see screen shot).


Step 3
Now type
select volume #

Here # is the number, of the volume, of which you want to change the letter.
Step 4
Now type
remove letter D

Here I want to change the letter "D" so I've typed "remove letter D". Replace D with your drive letter, which you want to change. Now type
assign letter P

Replace "P" with your desired letter. Now type

Done! You've Successfully changed the Drive letter.
Note: You can not change Drive letter of system volume or boot volumes.

By GUI method (Disk management)

Step 1
Press win+R and type
in the Run command box. The Disk Management Window will pop up.( see screen shot)


Step 2
Now Right click on the Drive you want to change the letter and then click on "Change Drive letter and Path". A new window will pop up. Now click on the button "Change..." and select any one letter from the drop down menu. Click on OK.
Hope you all enjoyed this!
If you have any problems or have any suggestions then please leave a comment or PM me.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Change Splash Background of photoshop

How to change Photoshop Splash Background

Hello Friends!
In my previous article I showed you How to change Calc.exe menu items using Resource Hacker. Now in this Article I'm going to show you How to change Photoshop Splash Background using Resource Hacker. If you don't have this awesome tool then you can download it from the following link.

Getting Started

First thing you need is Resource Hacker which I think you have downloaded from the above link. Now the second thing you need is Photoshop (I think you have it otherwise you wouldn't come here). In this tutorial we are using Photoshop CS4 but you can use another versions too.


Now that you've downloaded and Installed Resource Hacker let's move to interesting part.
Step 1:
Go to the directory where you've installed photoshop. Generally it can be found in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop CS4. Find the file PSArt.dll and first backup this file.
Step 2:
Now Open Resource Hacker. Then from the File menu click Open and browse to the file PSArt.dll or you can drag and drop PSArt.dll to the Resource Hacker's Window.

Step 3:
Now Double Click on PNGF folder and search for "SPLASHARTBACKGROUND.PNG"if you're using CS4 or "SPLASHARTFEATHER.PNG" if you are using CS2, and double click on it. Now you will see something like 1033, click on it. Now you will get the splash background (see screenshot below).

Step 4:
Now go to Action from the menu bar and "save resource as binary file" and name it as something.png.
Step 5:
Edit the file (using photoshop or any other photo editing tool) you just saved to whatever you want. Have a look at my Splash screen background image.

Step 6:
Now go back to Resource Hacker and goto SPLASHARTBACKGROUND.PNG and right click on 1033 and click on Replace Resource a new window will pop up, just locate the edited png file and in the boxes below type the following:
Resource Type: PNGF
Resource Lnaguage: 1033

Click on "Replace" button and Save the dll file.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

How to change calc.exe menu using Resource Hacker

Hello friends!
Today I'm going to show you How to customize Windows from a small tool called "Resource Hacker".


Resource Hacker is a small but awesome tool to modify system files like DLL, EXE, CPL etc. Resource Hacker as its name suggests, hacks the resources of Windows and replace with customized ones.

You can download it using the following link.


Since it is only the beginning of our How to customize Windows so I'll only show you a basic customization in Windows Calculator .
Step 1: Download the Resource Hacker.
First Download Resource Hacker tool from the link provided above and Install it in your computer.
Step 2: Open Resource Hacker tool
Now open Resource Hacker by going All Programs--> Resource Hacker--> Resource Hacker.
Step 3: Backup Calc.exe
First backup your original Calc.exe file, which is located at %windir%:\WINDOWS\system32. %windir% is your system directory where Windows is installed.
Step 4: Open Calc.exe with Resource Hacker
Now Open calc.exe from Resource Hacker or you can drag and drop calc.exe to Resource Hacker's Window.
Step 5: Main Part: Editing
Now you can see in the left pane there is some folders.
Click on Menu folder and extend its contents and click on 106 folder. There you can see 1033 click on it.
Now you can see some codes in the Right Pane.
106 MENU
POPUP "&Edit"
MENUITEM "&Copy\tCtrl+C", 300
MENUITEM "&Paste\tCtrl+V", 301
POPUP "&View"
MENUITEM "S&tandard", 305
MENUITEM "&Scientific", 304
MENUITEM "D&igit grouping", 303
POPUP "&Help"
MENUITEM "&Help Topics ", 317
MENUITEM "&About Calculator", 302

Now replace "Scientific" or "Standard" with anything you want.
Remember put "&" before the letter which is not common in menu item.
Now Press "Compile Script" and Save your New (edited) file. Done!
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Thursday, 19 September 2013

Write upside down in facebook

Hello friends! Do you want to update your status in facebook upside down text and impress your friends then follow the simple steps
Go to any given websites and type your desired text in the textbox and press the generate button and then copy those upside down text and paste them in your facebook or twitter or google plus status updates or in messages. That's all! Isn't it simple!

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Start windows in 10 seconds

Start Windows in 10 seconds(may vary)

start windows in 10sYou might also like:
Extent window 7 trial period
Does your Windows Computer takes much time to start/boot? Do you want your Windows Computer to boot fast? Then follow the steps below:
Click on windows button and goto Run. Now type regedit in Runcommand box. Then find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\Control\ ContentIndex
Now there find the Key Called "Startup Delay" Double Click On It. Now where its Base. Click Decimal Now its Default Value Is
4800000(75300:hexadecimal) Change The Value To 40000
Here you go. You have done it! Now close the Registery Editor and Restart Your Computer You'll See The Result.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Extend Window 7 Trial period

extend window 7 trial period
Hello friends, Today we are going to talk about how to extend window 7 30 day trial to 120 days.


Microsoft window 7 trial can be downloaded free of cost from their site, but after installing that the countdown starts and after 30 days we are forced to buy the activation key!
But fortunately we can extend this 30 day trial period to 120 days (4 months) by a tool called slmgr (Software Licencing Manager). Below are the steps to do this:


Step 1:Go to Start -- All Programmes --and right click on CMD and select Run as Administrator.
Step 2: Now Type "slmgr -rearm" (without quotes). Done!
Now your 30 day trial of windows 7 has extended to 30 more days. To extended windows trial to 120 days have to do Step 2 after the end of the trial.
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Saturday, 7 September 2013

Convert FAT to NTFS with cmd

Hello friends!
Summary: Today I'm going to tell you simple tutorial to convert FAT file system to NTFS


FAT systems are older and does not support file handling of more than 4GB.

NTFS file systems are newer and has enhanced features.

So let us start with these simple steps:

Step 1: Open command prompt by going start->all programs->accessories->command prompt.

Step 2: Now type "Convert H: /FS:NTFS"(without quotes)

Here C: is the drive we're going to change to NTFS. You can replace c: with your desired drive. Done!
Note: This is irreversible process. you can not convert NTFS to FAT again easily.

check out my previous post on Facebook has two passwords